Tuesday, March 10, 2015

HOLY SPIRIT CLASS l "Where Do You Stand?" l School of the Bible l VidDevoChurch

Where Do You Stand?

Jesus Himself put it like this: "He who believes in Him [Jesus]  is not condemned; but he who does not believe  is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God" (John 3:18).

This is the issue. 

Do you believe  in God's provision  for your  sin? 
Do you believethat God sent His only begotten Son to bear your sin, to die in your place? 
Have you accepted or rejected  Jesus Christ? 

That's  the only  issue, an individual  issue.

What  is  your  relationship  with  Jesus  Christ?  Did  you  accept  Him  and  the redemption that He purchased, or did you reject it by rejecting Him?

When  you  stand  before  God  at  the  final  judgment,  He  will  ask  you  but  one question:  "What  did  you  do  with My  Son?" 

 It all  comes  down  to  your  personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

The  testimony  of  the  Holy  Spirit  to  the  world  is  that  all  of  us  need  to  receive Jesus Christ as Savior and let Him become the Lord of our life. The whole issue is believing  in  Jesus  Christ.  

That  makes  the  difference  in  being  forgiven  or being

It's the only issue.

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