Monday, March 9, 2015

HOLY SPIRIT CLASS l "Does God Have a Video?" l School of the Bible l VidDevoChurch

Does God Have a Video?

Jesus says the Holy Spirit reproves  the world of sin because  they do not believe in Him. That and that alone is the sin for which a person will be judged. 

No other charges need be brought.

I've often heard  it said that God has a kind of video  in heaven, and one day He will show on a giant screen all your ungodly  thoughts and deeds. 

But Jesus says the Spirit  will  convict  the  world  "of  sin,  because  they  do  not believe  in Me."  

In other words, it boils down to a single issue: What have you done with Jesus? Do you believe in Him for your salvation?

The  very  name  "Jesus"  speaks  of  His  mission.  

The  angel  said  to  Joseph,  "You shall call  His name  Jesus,  for He will  save His people  from  their  sins"  (Matthew 1:21). 

Jesus  is  the  English  transliteration  of  the  Greek word  Iesous,  which  was taken  from  the Hebrew  name  Yeshua, which  is a contraction  of  Yahwehshua,  or "Yahweh is salvation." 

Jesus Himself described His mission  like this: "The Son of
Man has come  to seek and  to save that which was  lost" (Luke 19:10). 

That was His mission,  and  the  Holy  Spirit  testifies  to  the  world  of  this.  He  reproves  the world of sin because it does not believe in Jesus.

In  John  3,  Jesus  told  Nicodemus  that  God  did  not  send  Him  into  the  world  to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. He also said that whoever  believed  in Him  was not  condemned,  but whoever  did not  believe in Him was  condemned  already  because  he did not believe  in the only begotten Son of God. 

They are condemned  because  they  refuse  to believe  in Jesus.  

Thus the Holy  Spirit  convicts  people  of  sin because  they  do  not  believe  that  Jesus  is the Son of God sent by the Father to save the world.

The Scripture  testifies,  "He who believes  in  the Son has everlasting  life;  and he who does not believe  the Son  shall not see  life, but  the wrath  of God abides  on him"  (John  3:36).

 At  the end  of John's  life,  the  apostle wrote  that  if we do not
believe, we are making God a liar. By our refusal to believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God who bore the sins of the world, we are blaspheming  the  Holy Spirit.

If we refuse to believe, we call the Spirit a liar, for we reject the record that God gave of His Son (see I John 5:10-12).

This is no light matter. 

As the writer of Hebrews Hebrews warned us: Anyone who has rejected Moses' law dies without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. Of how much worse punishment,  do you suppose, will he be thought worthy who has  trampled  the Son of God  underfoot,  counted  the blood of  the  covenant  by  which  he  was  sanctified  a  common  thing,  and  insulted  the Spirit of  grace?  

For  we  know  Him  who  said,  "Vengeance  is  Mine,  I will  repay," says the Lord. And again, "The Lord will judge His people." It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God (Hebrews 10:28-31).

There is only one way to avoid such a horrible sin. The apostle Paul spelled it out when  he  wrote, "If  you  confess  with  your mouth  the  Lord  Jesus and  believe  in your heart  that God has  raised Him  from the dead, you will be saved"  (Romans 10:9).

Of  course,  such  a  confession  must  be  genuine.  A  false  confession  never  saved anyone. There are many who make false confessions about  the Lordship of Jesus Christ. 

In fact, Jesus tells us that one day many will come to Him and say, "Lord, Lord, open to us!" But He will reply, "I do not know you" (Matthew 25:11,12). 

He insisted that "not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven" (Matthew 7:21).

How can you tell  if a confession  is  true or  false? Any  true  confession  that  Jesus Christ  is  Lord  will  be  manifested  by  submission  to  Jesus  Christ  and  to  His Lordship.  

Any  confession  not  followed  by  such  submission  is  false  and  is therefore powerless to save.

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