Is the Spirit a Person?
There are certain things we need to know about the Holy Spirit in order to fully appreciate and understand Him and His work.
The first thing is that the Holy Spirit is indeed a Person, and we need to recognize this if we are to have a personal relationship with Him.
If you think of the Holy Spirit as only an essence, as only a force, as only a power, you will find it impossible to have a personal relationship with Him.
If you think of the Holy Spirit as only an essence, as only a force, as only a power, you will find it impossible to have a personal relationship with Him.
You cannot have a meaningful relationship with an essence or a force.
Have you evertried to get personal with an electric socket? How about with a steam turbine? An automobile engine?
Of course you haven't. The thought is absurd.
Of course you haven't. The thought is absurd.
And it's equally absurd to think of the Holy Spirit as an essence or a force or an impersonal power that permeates the universe, and yet hope to call upon Him in your time of need.
No, the Holy Spirit is a Person who has been sent by the Father at the request of Jesus to come alongside of you to help you.
No, the Holy Spirit is a Person who has been sent by the Father at the request of Jesus to come alongside of you to help you.
Jesus said, "I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper... the Spirit of truth."
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