Monday, November 3, 2014

HOLY SPIRIT CLASS l Chuck Smith l Living Water l "Who is the Holy Spirit? " l Utah VidDevo l VidDevoChurch

PART ONE: Who is the Holy Spirit?

1. Personality Plus

I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever, even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells
with you and will be in you.
- John 14:16,17

Jesus was a great One to have around while He walked upon this earth. 

People learned to trust in Him as the master of every situation. 

When you had Him around, you didn't worry about something going wrong; you knew He would take care of everything. 

Those who had been with Him for very long knew that He could handle any situation that might come up.

A tax collector giving you a bad time, trying to collect taxes that aren't really due? 

No problem; Jesus is here. 

"Go down and catch a fish," the Master tells Peter. 

"Take the coin out of his mouth and pay the taxes."

What a handy One to have around!

Or suppose you've attracted a big crowd of people and you're short on food. 

Not to worry. 

Here's a little boy with five loaves and two fish. 

Sit the people down in companies, and Jesus will take care of them all. 

And when it's all over, you find you've collected 12 baskets full of leftovers.

As I said, a handy One to have around.

Or maybe the Pharisees are trying to trip you up and stump you with some kind of technical question. 

Don't sweat it; Jesus will handle them. 

Don't give it another thought. 

Just leave it to the Master.

OK, but what if you're out in a stormy sea in danger of sinking? 

What then?

Same song, fourth verse. 

Jesus has the power to still the storm and to bring you safely into His desired haven.

As I said, it's always great to have Jesus around.

That's the lesson the disciples learned over and over for three wonderful years.

They discovered that Jesus was an amazingly handy Person to have around.

They never had to worry when Jesus was present. 

They learned to relax and be confident because they knew the Lord was there to help.

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