Saturday, October 25, 2014

COMMUNITY BIBLE COLLEGE l Holy Spirit l Chuck Smith l Utah VidDevo l VidDevoChurch


Living Water                     by Chuck Smith

Introduction: A Glorious Walk With The Spirit

Part One: Who Is The Holy Spirit?
1.Personality Plus
2.The Mystery Of The Three In One
Part Two: What Does The Holy Spirit Do?
3.At Work In The World
4.Keeping The Lid On
5.The Church's Divine Helper
6.The Manifold Grace Of God
Part Three: What Are The Gifts Of The Spirit?
7.Unity In Diversity
8.The Word Of Wisdom
9.How Did He Know That?
10.How To Plant A Mulberry Tree In The Ocean

11.Hope For The Sick
12.The Hardest Gift To Possess
13.Speaking Forth The Word Of God
14.Unmasking The Evil One
15.An Affront to the Intellect; A Blessing To The Soul
16.What Did He Say?
17.Helps - the Quiet Ministry
18.Enough Milk, Already!
19.Just Do It!
20.Keep It Simple

21.An Awesome Responsibility
22.A Ready Help In Time Of Need
Part Four: How Should We Respond To The Spirit?
23.The Real Baptism Of Fire
24.Ask And You Shall Receive
25.A Torrent Of Love

Epilogue: The Ultimate Experience